Through Leading Public Health, Ron Chapman has worked with individuals and organizations across the spectrum in public health. Following are testimonials that speak to his efforts.
“I have engaged Ron as my own leadership coach and mentor for over a decade. My knowledge of organizational change theory comes from my work with Ron and his recommendations for independent study. He has influenced my leadership practice extensively. Ron helped me bring needed structure and direction to a number of public health programs, and he helped me through a very difficult reorganization at a local health department. He also has become a valued coach to a number of others through my referrals.”
- Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, ASTHO
“Natalie, I just wanted to follow-up to say again how much we appreciated your moderation - it was absolutely fabulous…The meeting went so much better than I think we could have ever hoped, thanks to you guiding everyone there.
- Nathaniel Z. Counts, Senior Vice President, Mental Health America
“One thing I know about Ron is that his total normalcy and relatability is exactly what works. I have high expectations for genuineness and dedication, and Ron passes muster on those fronts.”
- Jean O’Connor, JD, MPH, DrPH, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
“Natalie is an expert at connecting with people. My staff enjoyed her training on effective communication, and implemented our newly acquired skills. Ultimately, our ability to solve problems and reach common goals will help accomplish our mission to advance public health science.”
- Dr. Mike Underwood, Chief, School-based Surveillance Branch, Division and Adolescent School Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
“He [Ron] is a master at creating effective dialogue and interaction on the most difficult issues and intractable problems, always with a design for real outcomes and practical action.”
- Roby Wallace, CEO, Entrebusiness